Dear Singers,
Welcoming new & returning singers through Tuesday, September 26. Rehearsals at 7:15 pm at the Morse Center for the Arts on the St. Johnsbury Academy campus (55 Fairbanks Drive, number 20 on this map, parking adjacent to number 21) We're doing Vaughan Williams’s “Hodie” [see:] as our major work and his “Fantasia on Christmas Carols”. Both are familiar to the seasoned members of NCC and we are excited to share these wonderful works with our more recent members. Concerts will be the first weekend in December (1st-3rd). Specific dates and times TBD. If you plan to sing this fall, please register for the Fall 2023 season by following these three steps: If you are brand new to the chorus, please fill out the New singer registration: in order for us to create a website Member login for you. If you are considering joining and have questions feel free to email the music director, Alan Rowe: 2️⃣Scroll down the Members page to the Events - My Attendance/Availability3️⃣Pay your $40 dues (for both Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 seasons)
Login to the Members section of this website for additional details. We start singing January 17th! Dear singers past, present and future! I hope your holiday break has left you well fed, rested and ready to start singing on January 17th. I am very excited to get started on our spring production of “Considering Matthew Shepard” and know that many of you share the same feeling. I’ve been listening to two recordings, one by U of Michigan and the other by Bob Cole Music Conservatory. One is a presentation made for television, the other a more traditional concert setting. Both are excellent performances that we will refer to along the way. I have made a spread sheet that includes all the movements, solos, and vocal range along with a time stamp where they appear in the videos. I hope you will check out the recording if you are interested in a solo. There are also many speaking opportunities. Regarding books, currently we have about 45 copies. I know many of you have purchased a copy or perhaps you still have your NCC copy from 2020. If so, please let me know either way so I can order extras if need be. If you wish, there are a number on Amazon to purchase. For brand new singers joining this year: please register at: We rehearse Tuesdays from 7:15-9 PM at St. Johnsbury Academy’s Morse Center for the Arts (55 Fairbanks Drive, number 20 on this map, parking adjacent to number 21) Performances are scheduled for Saturday, May 6 and Sunday, May 7. At our first rehearsal, plan to come early to register, socialize and enjoy refreshments. Those who would be willing to assist with refreshments, please e-mail my wife, Stephanie, ( by Sunday January 15th to let her know what you could bring. I look forward to getting started and seeing you on the 17th. Alan |
Rehearsal on Feb 22 will be at the Union Baptist Church, 932 Route 5, Waterford. As with all choirs, proof of vaccination and boosting are required to participate, and we ask that singers use CDC recommended masks (i.e. KN95,N95, surgical, singers masks). ▶️If you are planning on singing in the spring season, please indicate your availability online on the registration event page: This serves as your registration for the spring 2022 season.
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The North Country Chorus's Spring 2020 season piece “Considering Matthew Shepard” is a recent work by Craig Hella Johnson. It is a moving, powerful, and uplifting work that explores our humanity through Matthew’s life and death, a “modern-day Passion." This musical exploration of the painful circumstances surrounding Matthew Shepard's murder help us to overcome hate and bigotry around us and within ourselves. The music is eclectic in style with solo and small ensemble opportunities throughout. To learn more about “Considering Matthew Shepherd”, watch this PBS Arts In Context documentary series episode: (originally aired October 17, 2016). Read-Through We will read through the libretto on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at 7:15 pm at the St. Johnsbury Academy band room (Morse Arts Center). Click on the date (above) for directions to parking. Regular rehearsals Regular rehearsals begin on Tuesday, January 14, 2020 at 7:15 pm, and take place at the St. Johnsbury Academy band room (Morse Arts Center). We welcome new singers during the first three rehearsals of each season (through January 28). If you are considering joining and have questions feel free to email Alan Rowe, the music director. New Singer Pre-Registration If you are brand new to the North Country Chorus for the Spring 2020 season, welcome! We're glad to have you sing with us. Please pre-register online here: After pre-registering, you will soon receive an email with log-in credentials for the members section of the North Country Chorus website. Spring 2020 Registration If you have sung in the North Country Chorus at any time in 2018 and/or 2019, we already have your registration info (you don't need to pre-register again). To register for the Spring 2020 season, please log into the members section of the North Country Chorus site, and indicate your availability for the "Register Here for Spring 2020 Season" event. Learn Your Music We hope you will take the time to listen to the performance and explore the full text. Links to both of these are on the Learn Your Music page: | |
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North Country Chorus is pleased to announce that the Youth Chorus we have sponsored for the last two years will resume regular rehearsals at 3:30PM on Friday, October 25th. There are a number of changes this year. Thanks to our partnership with Catamount Arts, the rehearsals will be held there, on Friday afternoons, from 3:30-5 PM. A snack will be provided. Chelsea Chen will return as the accompanist. There will be a new director, Lewis Botelho-Gomes, who is also part of the EPIC program. He has an impressive background including extensive experience conducting a variety of children’s choruses. He brings movement, dance, and fosters curiosity to create a vibrant learning environment. Children from grade 3-8 are welcomed, there is no audition and no fee. Contact Lewis at for more info and to sign up. Families within a 30 minute drive of St J can probably get their kids there in time for rehearsal! This is a rare opportunity for kids in the north country of Vermont and New Hampshire |