Sponsor North Country Chorus

A 501(c)3 non-profit chorus, North Country Chorus is self funded, with all revenue directed to the running of the chorus. We encourage local organizations to consider supporting our community group by becoming a sponsor. We perform in multiple locations around the north country. The chorus is a vital link in the increasingly robust art community in this part of New England. The singers and audience are your clients and neighbors. Sponsorship is a way for your organization to invest in a healthy, positive activity that brings people together. Live performances of music from the masters of the ages, and group singing, have sustained our cultures for eons and are worth preserving for the future.

For full details please contact treasurer@northcountrychorus.org

Browse our existing corporate sponsors

Business Program Ad Payment (to be filled out by the business)
North Country Chorus solicits Program Advertisements in the fall to be included in both the fall and spring concert programs. Alternatively to this form, checks can be made out to North Country Chorus and given to a chorus member with the Program Ad Sales Invoice Report FormAny questions, please email northcountrychorus@gmail.com

Copyright © 2024 North Country Chorus